Svåra tider på Liljeholmen – Erik Alfort och hans barn

Svenska – English

Från bortom havet – Alfortsläktens historia.

Kapitel 5

Svåra tider på Liljeholmen – Erik Alfort och hans barn

© Esben Alfort 2014-2023

Erik Alfort var kanske ingen lämplig man för Maria, men däremot är det ingen tvekan om att han hade en hel del gemensamt med sin svärfar Gabriel Gyllenståhl. Båda hade ett hett lynne och en vana att förvänta sig lydnad, och även Erik inlämnade regelbundet stämningar av sina grannar, sitt tjänstefolk och till och med sin dotter Maria Catharina Ahlfort, som inte fick veta förrän föräldrarna dött att de hade gjort henne arvlös. Erik blev alltmer irritabel, kanske på grund av ekonomiska bekymmer. Det var svåra tider för många, och familjen Alfort på Liljeholmen var inget undantag, men tack vare sonen Gabriel Ahlforts pionjärarbete inom lantbrukseffektiviseringen lyckades de överleva och frodas på de magra jordarna vid Sommen under generationer. De omaka föräldrarnas tredje barn Carl Henric Ahlfort dog under ett fälttåg i Finland, men innan dess hade han hunnit få en oäkta son som adopterades av familjen.

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Difficult times at Liljeholmen – Erik Alfort and his children

Svenska – English

From beyond the seas – A history of the Alfort family.

Chapter 5

Difficult times at Liljeholmen – Erik Alfort and his children

© Esben Alfort 2014-2023

While as we have seen Erik Alfort may not have been a suitable husband for Maria, there is no doubt that he had a lot in common with his father-in-law Gabriel Gyllenståhl. He too had a habit of expecting to be obeyed. He had a hot temper and regularly filed lawsuits with his neighbours, his servants, and even his own daughter Maria Catharina Alfort, who was only told at her parents’ death that they had disinherited her. Erik was growing ever more irritable, possibly because of finansiable troubles. These were difficult times for many, and the Alforts at Liljeholmen were no exception, but thanks to the son Gabriel Ahlfort’s pioneering work in developing more effective farming methods they managed to survive and thrive on the meager soils by the lake Sommen for generations afterwards. The third brother Carl Henric Ahlfort died during a military campaign in Finland, but he had an illegitimate son who was adopted by the family, so in principle there could be an entire unknown branch of the family just waiting to be discovered.

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Life and death on the seven seas – Captain Gabriel Ahlfort

Svenska – English

From beyond the seas – A history of the Alfort family.

Chapter 7

Life and death on the seven seas – Captain Gabriel Ahlfort

© Esben Alfort 2014-2023

Captain Gabriel Ahlfort travelled to Indonesia, India and Mecca, and he knew the shores of Europe better than his home county. He saw some incredible things and had real stories to tell when he returned a wiser and stronger man.

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