Alfort family tree (public version)
Alfort family tree (public version)
Click the link below to download a family tree containing all the 3241 descendants of Erik Alfort registered so far and their 1612 partners.
In order to protect the privacy of living people, some names have been erased from this public version. If you are a family member, you may contact me for access to the full version.
Alfort släktträd_public (Excel)
Many descendants still remain to be registered. The tree will be updated regularly as research proceeds.
So far 12 generations of descendants born between 1702 and 2021 have been registered. Of these, at least 1590 (49%) are men and 1483 (45%) are women.
- Mean (known) life expectancy: 46.5 years (954 people)
- Children who died before their 18th year: 8.9 % (289 children)
- Registered (known) children per adult: 1.1 child (2952 adults)
- Registered (known) children per couple: 2.3 children (1430 couples)

Place of birth (in Sweden) and year of birth of all descendants of Erik Alfort (the timeline covers 1675-2025).